Friday, April 30, 2010

What is your baby wearing

Wow, with all the scary chemicals, pesticides, toxins that are being found in toys and food these days and with all the recalls it's hard to find anything that is safe for your baby. Although i haven't heard of any clothing recalls lately it really wouldn't surprise me.
I was exited to hear about organic clothing lines.

Click the link above to view a full line of organic baby/toddler clothing. Everything is certified organic so you know your baby is safe wearing them. The fabric is super soft and the shirts are tagless. I always look for a tagless shirt because they would annoying Brighton or wake him up and they would leave a red rash on the back of his neck.
Not only are there organic shirts and onesies, there are yoga pants and even canvas cargo pants!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Newborn cloth diapers

I remember when Brighton was a newborn and how messy his poopy was. It made cloth diapering a challenge. We all know that newborns poop more often than older babies and it's usually runnier and messier than an older baby too. I felt that his poop just go everywhere and we had alot of blow outs even in the cloth diapers. I didn't know what to do!

I totally wish I had had these diapers when he was first born. They are teeny tiny diapers specifically for newborns from 4lbs to 10lbs. Brighton wouldn't have fit in them for long because he was over 9lbs at birth. But they have a belly button cut out so you don't have to worry about the stump getting rubbed and irritated, there are TWO layers of water proof protection; a PUL outer layer and the smart pocket design which is designed to keep the poop in the diaper! The diaper comes in 5 sweet baby colors, blue, green, yellow, purple, and pink all in a gingham pattern. This would have been a way cuter option for newborn pictures than the white diaper cover i had.

Even though I haven't personally used this diaper (yet) I encourage you to look at it as an option to some tough newborn cloth diapering solutions. You can check them out here.

Remember that every baby is different is sizes, so all though it says 10lb max, it may fit longer or not as long. Brighton is 28lbs now and still fits diapers that say 20lbs max. he's just skinny in the waist.

Monday, April 26, 2010

welcome little monsters

Welcome to the new Nature Monster blog, where I tell you the latest about what's happening with cloth diapers, baby wearing, natural toys and clothing and much more. Stay tuned for what's come next. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @naturemonster